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Chakra Gem Jewels



Regular price $555.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $555.00 USD
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After you read the details of THIS piece, we invite you to read the detail about Danburite and how it can support you metaphysically.

This sugary cluster is CLEAN… thousands of individual reflective crystals reflect the light. This piece is comprised of several individual danburite crystals covered by quartz. If you look closely on the bottom, this piece has some chalcopyrite embedded in the crystal. Measuring 3.35” tall and about 4” Wide this piece weighs about 1 lb 8 oz.

In 2022 Chakra Gem Jewels fomented a relationship with an incredible supplier based in Monterrey MX sourcing from Charcas/San Louis Petosi Mexico. This supplier has a degree in Minerology and connects us with most UNIQUE pieces due to he and his family’s incredible relationships. It is because of this relationship we have been MOST fortunate to source, what is typically a very scarce material – DANBURITE.

Danburite was originally discovered in 1839 in Danbury, CT, USA by an American Minerologist. Danburite is a calcium boron silicate mineral with a chemical formula of CaB2(SiO4)2 and is found all over the world but the PRIMARY source is in Charcas, MX.

We are so grateful to have such unique beautiful pieces of Danburite… Chakra Gem Jewels has coined the term ‘Artisan’ Danburite meaning, each piece ‘created’ or ‘formed’ so perfectly and uniquely!

What you want to know: Danburite has a beautiful termination tip that typically has a diamond shape on each point. It is 7.5 on Moh’s scale of hardness. The more rare versions of Danburite are pink, gray, green, or white – with various inclusions like chalcopyrite, calcite and druzy quartz. The more common forms of danburite are clear.

Metaphysically, Danburite aligns with heart and crown chakras. It’s known for angelic communication, interdimensional travel and freedom from stress. According to Robert Simmons, Book of Stones, this material supports anyone who wants to evolve spiritually can benefit from exposure to Danburite.

Danburite is an excellent stone for those who need to release stress and worry. It soothes the heart and sends the message that ‘all is well’. Danburite carries the high and sweet frequency of angelic communication and celebration of the Divine Source. Its energy stimulates the third eye crown and etheric chakras. It lends a sense of joy and communion wit the Divine, facilities meditation and carries an energy that is the CLOSEST found to the reiki frequency in a stone. Danburite encourages communication with higher beings and facilitates higher knowledge and information from these beings during meditation.

Seller’s Info: Mexican Minerals, B1

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